Indoctrinating the Fear of Lofty Goals: The Myth of Icarus’s Forgotten Warning

Don’t Fly Too Close to the Sun:

In the myth of Icarus, the skilled craftsman Daedalus and his son Icarus sought to escape their imprisonment by fashioning wings made of feathers and wax. Daedalus warned Icarus not to fly too low, where the sea’s moisture could dampen his wings, or too high, where the sun’s intense heat could melt them. Ignoring his father’s advice, Icarus soared too close to the sun, resulting in the wax melting and his tragic downfall.

Daedalus imparted his counsel to Icarus, cautioning against complacency and the perils of hubris. He advised his son to embark on a flight that found balance—neither too close to the sea where dampness could encumber his wings, nor too near the sun where its scorching heat threatened to melt them away. In this tale of caution and ambition, we discover the timeless message of equilibrium, urging us to navigate life’s journey with measured audacity and tempered aspirations.

Society’s Twisted Take on the Lesson of Icarus:

The first phrase that comes to mind when thinking about the legend of Icarus is “Don’t fly to close to the sun”. This phrase reveals a societal paradox that has quietly seeped into our collective consciousness. Our society, while offering stern warnings against reaching goals that are too high, remains disconcertingly silent when it comes to settling for goals that are too low.

The Fear of Soaring Heights:

From an early age, we are ingrained with the notion that aiming too high is a precarious endeavor. Society cautions us against setting goals that exceed the bounds of what is considered attainable, practical, or safe. We are told to temper our ambitions and adhere to the status quo, for fear of encountering failure, disappointment, or even hubris. The underlying message is clear: Stay grounded, be realistic, and avoid the temptation of soaring too high.

The Forgotten Warning:

However, lost amidst the popular retellings of the Icarus myth is the lesser-known warning of flying too close to the sea. In fact, this was Daedalus’ first warning to his son. As Daedalus fashioned their wings of feathers and wax, Icarus received a dual admonition. Daedalus warned his son against not only soaring too close to the sun but also flying too close to the sea. This cautionary tale bears deeper significance when we examine its relevance to our present-day society.

The Comfort of Low Goals:

Society, it seems, inadvertently perpetuates a comfort zone where low goals and mediocrity are deemed acceptable. Settling for less becomes the norm, applauded for its pragmatism. When we aim for goals that are easily within our reach, we mitigate the risk of failure and disappointment. Our society’s emphasis on cautionary tales against reaching too high fosters an environment where safe, easily attainable goals become the default choice.

Unveiling the Impact:

This societal bias has far-reaching consequences. The fear of pursuing high goals restrains our creativity, stifles innovation, and dampens our potential for personal growth. It limits our ability to push boundaries, discover new horizons, and make remarkable advancements as individuals and as a society. In essence, we are willingly sacrificing our own progress at the altar of complacency. Settling for low goals is also more difficult to notice, and therefore more difficult to correct. After all, a fall from great height would produce a large and noticeable splash in the sea. But a fall from a low height would not be as noticeable. And so we may believe we are in a comfortable and productive place, while not even realizing that we are already drowning in the sea.

Embracing the Balance:

To move beyond this trap, we must learn to strike a balance. Society’s warnings against reaching goals that are too high stem from genuine concerns, but they should not discourage us from pursuing our dreams ambitiously. Just as Icarus was warned against both extremes—flying too close to the sun and the sea—we should recognize the importance of finding our equilibrium. However, due to the indiscrimination we typically receive from society, if you’re not scared from how high you’re flying, you’re probably on your way to crashing in the sea.

Encouraging a Mindset Shift:

It is time we challenge the societal narratives that suppress our aspirations for greatness. Let us foster an environment that applauds audacity, perseverance, and resilience. Embrace the idea that failure is not an end but an opportunity for growth. Instead of settling for goals that are too low, let us set our sights higher, pushing the boundaries of what we believe is possible.

Final Takeaway:

In the realm of goals and aspirations, our society has inadvertently tilted the scales, warning us against reaching too high while turning a blind eye to settling for goals that are too low. The myth of Icarus, with its dual warnings, serves as a powerful reminder of the need to find balance in our pursuits. As we navigate the complexities of life, let us remember that our potential is limitless, and it is through reaching for the sun that we can truly soar. Don’t fly to close to the sea.

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