“The Lone Rider” was a comic book published by Ajax-Ferrell’s Superior Comics in April 1951[1]. It was a western-frontier genre comic book that featured the masked character “The Lone Rider” who appeared on his horse Lightning whenever trouble threatened in the 1880s American west[2].
Orville Peck is a South African country musician based in Canada. He exudes an aura of mystery, wearing a fringed mask and never showing his face publicly[3][4]. His debut album Pony was released in November 2019[4][5].
When I discovered The Lone Rider comicbook, I knew two things: (1) we need a Lone Rider movie, and (2) Orville Peck must play the lead. While I’m not currently able to bring these two things into existence, I can repurpose The Lone Rider comic art, combine it with Orville Peck song lyrics, and bring this dream one step closer to reality. So saddle-up cowboys and cowgirls, it’s going to be a wild ride!
Coming soon… Orville Peck as the Lone Rider in “Big Sky”
Original comic available at: https://comicbookplus.com/?dlid=22922
Orville Peck image: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Orville_Peck_by_Alfred_Marroqu%C3%ADn,_December_2020.png
- https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-lone-rider-1-april-1951-fiction-house/1136797604
- https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/65974647-the-lone-rider
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orville_Peck
- https://www.intomore.com/culture/icons/want-know-orville-peck-rise-fame/
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pony_(Orville_Peck_album)