I’m Paladinsane, a passionate psychology researcher with a focus on metaphorical images and comic book art. I believe that art can be a powerful tool for understanding the human mind and uncovering deep psychological insights. My work revolves around exploring the intricate connections between metaphors, visual storytelling, and the human psyche.

In addition to my research, I have the privilege of teaching at IUSB (Indiana University South Bend). It’s incredibly rewarding to share my knowledge and passion for psychology with eager minds, and I strive to inspire my students to think critically and creatively about the human experience.

Currently, I am also working on an exciting documentary project centered around the life and legacy of civil rights activist Pauli Murray. Through this project, I aim to shed light on Murray’s remarkable contributions and untold stories, emphasizing their significance in the context of social justice and equality. It’s a project close to my heart, and I’m dedicated to bringing Murray’s powerful narrative to a wider audience.

When I’m not engrossed in research, teaching, or documentary work, you’ll likely find me immersed in comic book stores, exploring new artistic expressions, or engaging in thought-provoking discussions on the intersection of psychology, art, and social change. I’m always eager to connect with like-minded individuals who share a passion for understanding the human mind through the lens of visual storytelling. Let’s embark on this inspiring journey together!

[original artwork by Matt Baker, available here.]